Head Start / Child Care
0-5 Head Start Program
About Head Start
Head Start is a federally-funded childhood development program serving children 0-5 years of age and pregnant women from low-income families. The goal of Head Start is to increase school readiness of our young children by focusing on five key developmental domains:
– Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
– Social and Emotional Development
– Approaches to Learning
– Language Development and Emerging Literacy
– Cognition and General Knowledge
Children and families have access to assistance in cognitive, emotional and social development, physical and mental health, and nutritional needs. Parents are encouraged to and are assisted in becoming actively involved in their child’s education through parent involvement, home visits, and parent-teacher conferences.
Head Start is free to eligible families.
MPP Head Start runs Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 3:00pm for 10 months per year and serves 180 children aged 3-5 at the main campus site in Franklin. This site has two buildings, one of which offers bus services and one of which offers extended day services.
MPP Early Head Start runs Monday through Friday from 9:00am – 3:00pm for 12 months per year and serves 135 children aged 0-3 and pregnant women at two sites in Franklin (the main campus site and Pruett House, which is located near Franklin High School). The main site location offers extended day services. Early Head Start also offers a home-based option.
To Apply, please click the button below
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Apliqui Aqui
NC Pre-K is a program of the Division of Child Development and Early Education in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. NC Pre-K provides high-quality education experiences to enhance school readiness for eligible four year olds. NC Pre-K serves children in a full school day, for the full school year. The NC Pre-K is 6.5 hours per day, 5 days a week for 180 days a year at Macon Program for Progress. It is integrated with the Head Start program. NC Pre-K is a state funded program. The NC Pre-K classrooms use the Creative Curriculum, and the North Carolina Foundations. Children must be four years of age by August 31 of the program year, and they will be entering kindergarten the following year. Family income, limited English proficiency, identified disabilities, chronic health condition, developmental or educational needs and has at least one parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the armed forces of the United Sates, the North Carolina National Guard or other state military forces or a Reserve Unit of the Armed force are factors that help children receive the NC Pre-K services. Priority is given to eligible children who have not been served in any other preschool or child care program. Staff in these classrooms will hold a minimum of a BA/BS degree in early childhood and will hold or be working toward a B-K License.
MPP offers extended day services for select classrooms in both Head Start and Early Head Start. Extended Day consists of hours between 7:00am-9:00am and 3:00pm-5:30pm, depending on the parent/guardian’s schedule, or during full-day summer hours for 3 to 5-year-old children. Extended Day is only available to those parents/guardians who are working or in school. MPP accepts subsidy vouchers that are issued from the Macon County Department of Social Services.
For more information regarding extended day services, please click here.
Parents as Teachers
Participants in the Parents as Teachers program receive personal visits from a certified educator. The program provides you with timely information on child development and brain research; involves you in parent-child activities that encourage language development, intellectual growth, social development, and motor skills; and strengthens your relationship with your child. This FREE program is open to all parents of children 0-5 years old. Studies show that children who participate in the program score higher on kindergarten readiness tests and standardized measures of achievement in early grades.
Be your child’s first and most important teacher. Enroll in Parents as Teachers today!
The Parents as Teachers program is available to all families with children 0-5 years old. There are no income guidelines and your child does not have to attend daycare or preschool to participate.
This program is funded by Smart Start Region A Partnership for Children Parent as Teachers is located in the offices of Macon Program for Progress for more information contact:
Parents as Teachers
(828) 524-4471

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Contact Us
Macon Program for Progress
Phone: (828) 524-4471
Toll Free: (800) 563-4022
FAX: (828) 524-0823
Send Email: Admin@mppnhc.org