The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) housing choice voucher program…
…is a federally funded housing program that works to assist very low-income individuals and families, including seniors and disabled residents. The HUD housing program works to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing at an affordable monthly rate in the private housing market.
Participants are free to choose any housing that meets the requirements of the program and is not limited to apartment units located in subsidized housing projects.
The housing choice voucher program places the choice of housing in the hands of the individual family. Low-income families are selected by the Public Housing Agencies (PHA) to participate and are encouraged to consider several housing choices to secure the best housing for the family needs. A housing voucher holder is advised of the unit size for which it is eligible based on family size and composition.
The housing unit selected by the family must meet an acceptable level of health and safety before the PHA can approve the unit. When the voucher holder finds a unit and reaches an agreement with the landlord over the lease terms, the PHA must inspect the dwelling and determine that the rent requested is reasonable.
A housing subsidy is paid directly to the landlord by the PHA on behalf of the participating family or individual. It is the participant’s responsibility to pay the remaining portion of the monthly rent.
Eligibility for a housing voucher is based on the total gross income and family of the applicant. MPP has been a participating Public Housing Agency for the HUD program since 1985.
For further information regarding the HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program. Please contact us at 828.524.4471
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
Fair Housing Information
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
Fair Housing Information

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Macon Program for Progress
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